Adding Detail to Your Walls

Adding Detail to Your Walls – Panelling

Adding Detail to Your Walls - Panelling

Half Walls – Wainscoting

If your walls need a makeover, or if you have been dreaming of detailed walls in your space, this is the post for you. Adding panelling to your walls can liven up the space, whilst adding interest and detailing. There is no need for your walls to stay blank.


Wainscoting is merely a fancy name for adding paneling to a section of your wall, the most popular of which would be the bottom half. This normally consists of a baseboard, which attaches onto the floor and the wall. As well as the panelling, with a chair rail on the top to finish off the design. The panelling can be painted white or any colour you desire. Add in a pop of gold for some extra opulence.

Full Wall – Panel Molding

Panel molding reaches above the typical chair rail height and can even cover the entire wall. It can also be applied to the ceiling and can consist of either solid panels or separate trim pieces put together to create different designs and patterns.” – Marnie Oursler


This type of panelling can look exquisite and opulent when painted in rich or bold colours. If left white, it can also add beautiful detailing to the wall. There are so many different types of folding, and ways to apply them. Adding wallpaper inside the molding can also add more detail and interest to the space.

Modern Panelling

If you are not sold by the more traditional styles of molding, the following images are examples of how molding can be applied in a modern way.


By applying the panels in geometric shapes, the room instantly looks more modern. The great thing about panelling is that is can be placed in nearly any room. Master bedroom, bathroom, living or dining room, or even the nursery! With so many patterns, layouts and colours to paint them, panelling is a great design tool to help make your space more elegant and magazine worthy.

Are you itching to introduce panelling to your walls?

Contact us today for an enquiry and all your interior needs.


Yours in design,

Kirsty Badenhorst Interiors


( images sourced from Pinterest )